Thursday, September 12, 2013

Demolition of Crowsnest Centre begins

Demolition of Crowsnest Centre
Robin Pisko photos

Demolition of the older section of the former Crowsnest Centre in Blairmore began today, and eyewitnesses said it looks like the job is proceeding very rapidly. Also gone is the Esso station in Coleman.  The demolition is one step in a plan by the current Municipality of Crowsnest Pass council to "maintain our ability to build a Best Western hotel" on the site of the former Crowsnest Centre and hospital, according to Mayor Bruce Decoux'  Mayor's Corner in the municipality's August newsletter, which also says the demolition is part of a larger plan to 'attract new investors/developers, recoup our investment, and hopefully see our hotel under construction next year at this time".

The demolition and the plans to build a hotel on the site have caused considerable controversy amongst residents of the Crowsnest Pass.

Stay tuned for more about this story soon. 

Robin Pisko photo
*corrected for accuracy


  1. Interesting. When I was at Timmy's this morning with my wife as we drove by the CLC we saw the excavator doing its work and I immediately jumped out of my car and went onto the site.

    I spoke with the Project Superintendent and questioned him on how come the building was coming down as the high cost of removal involved asbestos removal and was told that had already been done. Really?

    Apparently, a company has been on-site for weeks removing it and I was told the majority of the asbestos was in the newer section and not in the old hospital part, which surprised me?

    Before speaking with the Superintendent I spoke briefly with an older lady who was watching the old hospital coming down who practically had tears in her eyes as she told me she had spent half her life in that building as a nurse. That was touching... I felt sad for her and all the many others in this community who feel a part of their past is literally being torn from them.

    1. Do you really think that old, crumbling building was worth saving? For real? It should have come down years ago but no council had the gonads to do it. Good riddance and I'm looking forward to not looking at it anymore.

    2. I guess you must be new to the Pass otherwise you would know I lost an election in 2001 in large part for having supported and spearheaded a plebiscite to put an end to this white elephant back then.

      In fact, at a forum at the time on this matter I publicly stated "But let me tell you, we cannot allow "passion to overrule logic and reason". Logic and reason dictate that we cannot continue squandering taxpayers money on a lost cause.... Sorry for the inconvenience, but that is life. We must move on and so must you. It is time to let go of the past and get on with the future."

      I guess that makes me the guy ahead of his time, having the 'gonads'.... now doesn't it? ;-)


  2. So, we should keep a crumbling old building just so this old lady can wax nostalgic about her past? What a delusional thought, John.

    The reason the Pass is the way it is because of this ridiculous notion that anything 'old' is worth saving. Move aside, John. Let the new guard through.


  3. John Prince, get real.

  4. Oh god.... *JOHN PRINCE* is involved with this Crowsnest Voice??? Well, this was cool while it lasted!!!!!!

    1. He's as welcome to comment here as anyone else that doesn't violate our commenting policies, including you, anonymous. Other than that, no, he doesn't work for or guide the direction of this publication.

      We intend to remain cool as long as we last, and our lasting is in front of us, not behind us.

    2. That's what you think!!!! Once you go against him, you'll be dead to him!!!!!! Just ask Lisa Sygutek.... the Ratepayers Association.... Town Council..... etc. etc. etc.

    3. Well, I guess the moral here is don't go against him. Duh! Maybe, join him instead? Then afterwards when posting a comment stay on subject i.e. this post is about the CLC ^not JP.

  5. My how the local 'wing-nuts' read so much into what wasn't even there. I never read anything in John's comment that signified he was for or against this building coming down. Muckrakers against John? Must be election time.

  6. What the Crowsnest Pass needs is something that will stimulate economic growth. The Pass used to be a bustling community where people that wanted to work had jobs. You need to look to the future and move forward.

  7. Gee - I can't believe how many comments here are "Anonymous" - if you have something to say, say it and have the courage to identify yourself. "Anonymous"is synonymous with gutless - but how did I know you already know what you are . . .

  8. I have to reply to my comment - and take it back - at least in part. I've published anonymously for reasons, I thought, of keeping safe from abusive reactions, and from those offended, from knowing who I am. I have been called terrible things for expressing my (rather left wing) viewpoints, and have been glad in those circumstances to be unknown. The "gutless" remark was an extremely poor word choice. But I'll stand by the idea that if we have something important enough to share, we should identify ourselves in all but the most dangerous of circumstances, or those that may become heated to the point of being dangerous. I've developed, I think, a way to avoid the sting of being hated and name-called for my opinions. A thicker skin.

    1. "I've developed, I think, a way to avoid the sting of being hated and name-called for my opinions. A thicker skin."

      Give me some skin, man. I could use some. Mine is becoming very thin. ;-)

      Seriously, good advice which we all need to heed. Especially those of us who may soon enter the gladiator ring to fight and maybe die for the greater glory of the Crowsnest Pass, and for the titillation of its people. Oh, no! :-)


  9. I choose to remain anonymous because of bullies like you, RJ... and John Prince... and Lisa Sygutek.... etc...

    You guys have a track record of attacking anybody who doesn't agree with you... and being a business owner in the Pass, I know you guys aren't above personally attacking me, my husband and my business.... so, you'll have to deal with anonymous remarks, buddy!!!!!!!!

  10. Nothing wrong with being anonymous. What does it matter if people know who you are or not. I couldn't possibly see any reason in identifying yourself if you don't wat to. If you do, fine, up to you. No biggie.

  11. Okay - no biggie. But bullies? That's (not) funny. Social media and the general media - the media that offers opportunity for public input - are public forums, no? That, as far as I know, is an open invitation to opinions, counter opinions, rants and raves. Granted, the bloodbath that Facebook has become is far, far different than the two Voices. I can't imagine, though, when or how I've "bullied" a business owner or a business family. Boy would I ever like to hear a specific example of that . . . I guess my last thought on this would be something like the "if you can't stand the heat . . ." thing. If anyone ever would like to meet privately online, I'm easy to find. And easy to correspond with - but I won't pull punches regarding issues about which I'm passionate.

  12. In the article, you also mention the demolition of the Esso station. It gives the impression that the two projects are somehow related when they aren't. I guess that's why so many have a jaded view of journalism...

  13. Oh for crying out loud . . . if you got that impression then you might be jumping to conclusions - as the footings for the new station are already in place on that site . . .

    Jaded view of journalism? Try Fox News, Sun Media, CNN - even CBC is now dancing to the tune of the Harper government, as members of the CBC board of directors are Harper appointed - CBC even goes so far as to call Calgary Harper's "home town", a blatant lie.

    Speak your mind, write, discuss - but let's not be whiners. "Touche" is a good word - reminds me when I'm wrong.

  14. Journalism is printing stuff others don't want printed. Anything else is reporting.
