Thursday, September 26, 2013

Positive changes applauded by reader

Penny Warris, Letter to Editor

Dear Editor:

I would like to commend all the candidates that put their name forward for the upcoming election during a very controversial time. It is a huge personal commitment and they should be recognized and thanked for stepping up. It is a great example of how passionate people are about our community of Crowsnest Pass.

The Council of the last three years has worked hard to bring about positive (yet at times unpopular) changes to the Pass. Much of their work involves policy and procedure and is not always obvious nor necessarily that interesting to read about.

But we can see many positive physical changes on a drive thru the community. The new brand and banners look fantastic, the East End Visitors Centre in the Bellevue Teepee welcomes travellers to stop for a visit. Pete’s Park has been revitalized in a collaboration effort by the Municipality and several community groups. There has been improved signage for services and recreation. The Pool, Bike Park and Ski Hill are being continually upgraded with great future plans. There has been increased traffic safety and awareness, the Fire Department has been streamlined and the Crowsnest Centre issue will finally be concluded.
These positive changes are being noticed. There are less empty stores on main street in Blairmore with more to open soon. School enrollment in the elementary schools is up almost 15%! This month Horace Allen has added two new classrooms ­ Kindergarten and Grade One as well as three new teachers. This is proof that families with young children are attracted to our community and recognize Crowsnest Pass as a progressive place to relocate.

While there are still issues that divide candidates and community members we all need to celebrate and build on our strengths. Continuing to work together to bring more positive advancements to Crowsnest Pass. And please, make your vote count on October 21st!

~ Penny Warris


  1. This is the positive attitude that the Crowsnest Pass needs to hear more often. There are a lot of people in this community that love what it is and appreciate the advances that we’ve seen recently. We need to make our voices heard!

  2. Ms Warris

    While recognizing all of your wonderful comments, do not get me wrong I have lived in the Pass my entire life it truly is the greatest place in the world. I agree people that step forward should be highly commended it is a thankless job.
    I agree with you again the present council as done many "unpopular" things. The new brand and banners I wish they looked fantastic for the $300,000 plus that we spent on them, I am still trying to figure out how they identify with the Pass. Without spending $1000,s of dollars to have a consultant tell me. The fire department issue ripped this community apart and could have been done so much better with a little more communication and respect. On the Crowsnest Centre issue yes finally eight weeks prior to the election it is coming down. You failed to mention that there was no impediment or good reason why it could not have been done in 2011 or 2012. You also failed to remind everybody about the hotel fiasco and the $50,000 we (yes I mean we the taxpayers) gave to Group Vachon, most of us can still see those issues through the cloud of dust being created at a politically expedient time.
    School enrollment that is indeed great news but I think that is more related to the fact that Teck hired a lot of young folks with children to replace large numbers of employees that have reached retirement age in the last couple of years. Plus the cost of real estate while still climbing on the BC side of the border as dropped in the Pass (remember the 5.3% decline in assessment base this spring?) I would expect that young families would take advantage of equivalent homes being 20% cheaper on this side of the border.
    Any way thanks for your comments Ms Warris on Oct 21 the taxpayers will grade the present council on the job they have done.

  3. Maybe you should look at Hillcrest, totally ignored, severely damaged by all the flooding and getting absolutely no answers from the town about repairs.

  4. Finally someone who can see the positive in what is happening.

  5. You can be sure that if somebody says good things, there are always lots of people to rip them apart. I feel sorry for those people. Their stress level must be very high, smile, be happy sometimes.

  6. Great letter. It's nice to see some positivity instead of the poison coming from the Ratepayers and certain former members of council.

  7. Aren't, we lucky we get to pass judgement every four years. Democracy is awesome bring on the election.

  8. Thank for the great positive article. Too bad the naysayer are still at large. AND I' m not afraid to tell you who I am.

    1. I am. I own a business in Blairmore and was threatened with boycotts if I didn't sign the Ratepayer's petition.

      I can't risk mine and my family's wellbeing because of the Crowsnest bullies like Kovach and Dean Ward.

    2. I definitely understand your need to be anonymous. A sad commentary on our society here in The Pass.

  9. What a crock of garbage. The fear I felt when those two seniors knocked on my door. If what happened was true did you contact the RCMP? I think not. You want to see a real bully go read the Mayor's newsletters prior to the last two months. Or for more bullying check out the workplace assessment just done at the town. That is a real eye opener.

  10. Panny Warris should be applauded for trying to help the Mayor and council amidst the wreckage this council created. Panny is an asset to the community, but not the Mayor or his slate of councillors, even though what they are doing is motivated by good intentions. But good intentions are not good enough when you are taking our community toward a financial train wreck. So kudos to Penny and Shame on the current council.

  11. In the panic April budget slashing they cut $1,000 to Pete’s Park painting. Nice that volunteers took up the slack.

    I wish the Entrance Signs had been designed and built by volunteers. The cost would be much less and it would be distinctively Pass. Some might not like the results, but I think people would respect the volunteer effort.

    We have a $1,500,000 Capital budget for "Recreation/Culture/Heritage Iniatives" (that's just 2013) . I know a lot of that goes to patching old facilities, but over 3 years there should be more "positive physical changes" than Warris has listed.

  12. Does anybody actually believe this nonsense. I own a business on Main Street Blairmore I had two gentlemen approach me . I told them I did not want to get involved. They thanked me and left. No issues so please stop spreading lies.

  13. Reading these comments reveals a sad state of affairs in that the majority opt to be "anonymous." Choosing to be unidentified is much like writing a poison pen letter or on-line bullying. One gets to fire bullets without risking repercussions. However, the sad reality is that, in this community, there can be a heavy price to be paid for being outspoken.

    I find it regrettable that local reporting on the inspection report focussed mainly on harassment and discord issues. Please understand, I'm not trying to minimize those matters, only stating that they are not the ONLY ones. There were an astounding 87 recommendations! You may be surprised to know that the investigators actually endorsed several of council's pursuits. The report is insightful.

    Unreported was the view that our municipality is ungovernable after 30 plus years of amalgamation. Even more significant was the recommendation for a viability review by Mun. Affairs, with implications of possible absorption by another governing body. Their observation that we have developed an increasingly negative reputation as a difficult place to work and live should trigger major alarm bells as to attracting investment and increasing population.

    In a local waiting room, a conversation regarding the inspection report developed between two people awaiting service . One person was very critical and negative. The other asked, "Have you read the report?" The response was, "No, it's all bull____." Unfortunately, this actual conversation typifies the obstacles we face in resolving our difficulties.

  14. No one but those with something to gain from this council is happy about the report. Those who stand to gain are going to stand there wondering what went wrong while just brushing off the complaints of the majority of citizens and become very unhappy as certan EVENTS come under the microscope. Now that is sinister

  15. The report also states that a council member, read Mayor, should not give direction to the CAO without council resolution. There are several instances easy to discern, not least hiring a Public Relations Consultant. Will Bruce pick which recommendations are most suitable?

  16. Betty: I'd love to reveal who I am, but the fact of the matter is that the Ratepayers et al are bullies, and do resort to intimidation to get their agendas through.

    The mayor may be a bully but the ratepayers are worse. So, yeah -- I'm staying in the shadows.

    Crowsnest Pass is run by bullies.

  17. In the Mayor's last newsletter he refers to his daily discussions with the CAO, 1040 of them in total would anybody be concerned about the perception of micro managing? 2:46 I feel for you nobody else had your experience I hope you are not just trying to create bad feelings because the people you favour in this election are not doing so well.

    1. In my business we just call that "runnng the business". A brief meeting a day is standard.

  18. BULLIES is in most cases a name for people that you disagree with and are actually willing to tell you they are. Personally I use elections of all kinds as a way to see who I will do future business with. To some that is bullying but in real life it is called voting with your feet and is the only way to exercise democracy between elections

  19. We will all have the opportunity to voice our opinion in just 21 days.

  20. Unbelievable! So this is how we all pull together to help our community? And how long will our newly elected council and Mayor be in operation before "anonymous" starts ripping them apart and demanding yet another investigation. We are the laughing stock of Alberta people. Time to smarten up! And no, Mr. Ed, neither I nor my sister will keep quiet and deny ourselves the right to freedom of speech, which may I remind you, our vets fought and died for. Take that one to the polls with you! I love my community and am not afraid of bullies. People who have the courage of their convictions are not afraid to sign their names. Remember, bullies are cowards.
