Sunday, March 30, 2014

Positively Conservative

Debra Janzen, Letter to the Editor

I am a proud Progressive Conservative, and I am proud of the accomplishments of the Progressive Conservative government.  Progressive Conservative policies have made Alberta a dynamic and ever-growing province.  Alberta’s oil and gas industry is marketing around the world, farmers and ranchers now have expanding markets, small businesses are prospering, and all Albertans have every opportunity to succeed.  Alberta has the capacity and foresight to build the infrastructure to accommodate our increasing population and is doing so.  Yet the opposition is telling us we need to change.

In all of this, I can’t help but reflect on some quotable quotes:

From David Yager, President of the Wildrose Party, in October 2013:  “Let’s face it, Wildrose started out much like [the Reform Party] 25 years ago, as a protest movement.”  “What you get is a collection of people that are disappointed with something for a lot of various reasons and they come together under a new political tent.”

In contrast, from Peter Lougheed:  “Our whole approach as a political party was to talk not so much negatively, but we wanted to talk about the future of the province and we wanted to talk positively”.

The Progressive Conservative government has remained positive, has moved Alberta to prominence not only in Canada, but worldwide, and continues to do so today.  Progressive Conservative policies have not needed a major overhaul to appeal to Albertans.   I say,  let’s stay positive – and Progressive Conservative.

Debra Janzen
Turner Valley, AB

1 comment:

  1. Dear Debra Janzen,

    Your letter suggests you've been drinking to much of the conservative kool-aid. In fact, it sounds like you drank the whole bottle.

    People up north are food deprived with their traditional hunting rights threatened and a head of lettuce costing $28.00 and a two-litre carton of milk $10.00.

    1 of 7 children in this country go to bed hungry every night while seniors are expected to live and survive on $12k annually and our veterans are treated like crap while the HarperCONS promote war and the spending of hundreds of billions on fighter jets, helicopters, navy ships, etc., never-mind the corporate welfare that goes on thanks to conservative governments to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars (Royal Bank alone given $75b, and Blackberry the other day $1/2b)).

    Yes Debra, the conservatives are good but only to their friends in high places and to each other. Ask yourself where is Alberta's Heritage Fund compared to Alaska or the Netherlands? Or where will we be when unable to sell oil and gas having nothing else to fall back on because of all this good governance by the conservatives that you speak of?

    Corporatocracy runs this province (country) for their benefit, not ours, and they run this place much as a madame does in a house of ill-repute with conservative governments acting as their pimps prostituting the rest of us while people like you tell us that we should just lay back and 'enjoy' getting.... you know what?

