Friday, September 20, 2013

A year on the Crowsnest Fire Department with Steve Munshaw

  • Fire Prevention Week is October 7 - 11
  • Fire department open house to be held October 9, 6-8 pm

Toni Lucas, Crowsnest Voice

Steve Munshaw has been the Manager of  Crowsnest Pass Protective Services and Fire Chief for one year.  Munshaw took some time to talk about the past year and the upcoming fire safety week plans.  "I'm at one year this week," said Munshaw on Friday September 20.  A fire fighter for 20 years, Munshaw says he takes a lot of pride in what he does and the people that he works with.  in the last few days Crowsnest Pass Fire/Rescue responded to its one hundredth call of 2013.

Munshaw says the proper education to do the job with confidence and efficiency is of paramount importance for a firefighter.  "This weekend we have 15 firefighters writing their 1001 exams, a recognized training level for all firefighters, internationally.  In the event that everyone passes the exams this weekend, we will have 24 fully certified 1001 firefighters," said Munshaw, obviously happy with this development.  "We are moving forward."

One of the challenges that Munshaw took on was to restructure the five existing fire departments that were in the Crowsnest Pass so they could operate together as one unit.  "I came into the mix of very large dynamic situation."  In the past year, Munshaw had condensed the fire halls to three locations:  Coleman, Blairmore and Bellevue.

Another change has been that all the departments train together at one location.  "It's been very healthy.  Everybody has gotten to know everybody else."  Munshaw explained that it helps foster a good working relationship and reduces confusion when departments work together at a scene.

All the fire halls have spare equipment on hand.  This means that if someone is away from their hall, but close to another during an emergency, they can still suit up and attend.  "We want to make it efficient.  You just have to go to the nearest fire hall," said Munshaw.  He said that being here in the last year "Has been a great learning process."

"The Crowsnest Pass is wonderful.  There are so many good people throughout this whole community.  This is a fantastic place to be," said Munshaw. When considering the position, Munshaw took into consideration what he could offer to his employers and community and what the community and area had to offer him and his family.  "There are a lot of benefits to living here."

Munshaw has plans for Fire Prevention week that will be held October 7 - 11 throughout Canada.  With the cooperation of SRD, the fire departments out in the Crowsnest Pass will be visiting  kindergarten to grade 5 students throughout the week.  They will be using this as an opportunity to teach fire safety at home and outdoors.

During the school tours the students will be able to enter to become 'Fire Chief for the Day'.  The winner will have the prestige of being picked up in an fire engine and spend part of their day learning more about what is involved working with the department and then having lunch with the crew.

The fire department will hold an open house at the Blairmore Fire Hall on October 9 from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm.  During the open house they will have an auto extraction, fire hose and fire extinguisher demonstrations, a rope and rescue display, and a tour of the fire hall.  This is free to any public that would like to attend. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, and pop available by donation and the funds raised will go toward Muscular Dystrophy.


  1. Steve Munshaw was not the manager of protective services for one year. He worked under Headricks as the Fire Chief for one year and he was the one who was instrumental in getting our volunteer fire chief fired so that the 80 volunteers we had on the roster would turn in their pagers in sympathy for their chief. He totally disrupted our fired department and put this community in jeopardy, so those are the facts.

  2. Glad to hear the fire departments are finally on track and working together.

  3. They worked together before in any given situation what kind of propaganda is this??? Munshaw you are a hear only for your own resume nothing else!!!
