Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Star Creek Community Forest not a laboratory for the U of A

Letter to the Editor

An open letter to Crowsnest Pass Council,

Attached is a picture of the Star Creek valley from atop Mount McClaren. It is a beautiful and “naturally rewarding” part of the Crowsnest Pass. Regretfully as most Crowsnest Pass residents are aware it is scheduled to be logged under a research plan from the UofA. The logging equipment is moving in “now’. The time for action is “now”.

This is truly a waste of a beautiful and “naturally rewarding” local valley, and a callous and insensitive decision affecting the united desire of Crowsnest-ites to live in a natural and unspoiled location. (Also the residents aspiration to ‘mountain freedom’: enjoying the great outdoors in a ‘natural’ and unspoiled setting.) Star Creek valley is the last unmined, unburned and unlogged creek drainage flowing into the Crowsnest Pass… let’s repeat for emphasis, “the last unmined, unburned and unlogged creek drainage flowing into the Crowsnest Pass”. There is truly a disconnect between those who plan this logging, and the citizens of the community who sincerely desire a rich and natural mountain experience. It’s high time communities like the Crowsnest Pass with things like tourism & recreational quality at risk from these unwelcome projects should have a larger say in what happens to the forest at the municipality’s edge. The Crowsnest Pass a community of 5500 people has no forest buffer at the edge of town. A two to three mile buffer around the CNP where community aspirations and values are priorized over forestry and other ventures would be a positive step to show good faith to the local citizens. Time to enact this idea… NOW!

We also have a better idea how to use Star Creek valley and not utilize high-handedness and disrespect the CNP citizens. Our idea is positive and reasonable, and we desire public transparency with scrutiny and input on every step. (And this idea will ‘naturally’ contain a strong element of rich intrinsic, spiritual & aesthetic values for all.) The model of this positive idea comes from the people of Cranbrook BC who have adjacent to their city a beautiful & natural nine square mile community forest they have initiated. ( We too in the Crowsnest Pass would greatly benefit in multiple ways from a tract of land kept pure from development, and maintained exclusively for recreational use. Star Creek valley is such a place!

We would like Crowsnest Pass Council to ask the appropriate authorities for an ‘immediate’ moratorium on logging within the Star Creek valley while CNP council looks into the viability of creating a community forest as modeled by the people of Cranbrook. (Or ironically you can expect a Cranbrook company to log the valley.) The Crowsnest Pass could partner with the provincial government to create a fresh and inventive plan for the people of Crowsnest Pass, and Alberta. This would give positive testimony to the government’s commitment to the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan in protecting sensitive watersheds and endangered species, and give the people of the CNP a wonderful natural valley to retreat in, & hopefully serve as a template for other mountain towns in Alberta. It would be a positive, ground breaking step to preserve & protect our diminishing mountain forests. The time for action is now!

This is new! This is inventive! Council please consider the multiple benefits for all citizens that would arise from such a venture.

So how could Star Creek valley serve the Crowsnest Pass & Albertans?
  • Star Creek valley could be an unmolested community forest: a “naturally rewarding” legacy for our kids & grandkids; a beautiful community forest for all Crowsnest-ites & visitors to enjoy for generations. “Mountain freedom”!!
  • Or Star Creek valley could be a logged clear cut, & temporary laboratory for a select few who will move on once their purposes are complete, & leave the logged grotesque scars behind to impact all others for decades.
Crowsnest Pass council, please save the Star Creek valley for the sake of the community!! Crowsnest Pass citizens please let council know your thoughts, & desires regarding Star Creek valley.

‘Star Creek Community Forest’… sounds good!!

In concern,
Citizens for a truly “naturally rewarding” Crowsnest Pass.

PS: it’s sobering… but the next opportunity to protect a nicely forested creek valley on the edge of town won’t be for another 40 to 60 years.

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