Monday, October 21, 2013

Fire Prevention Week in the Crowsnest Pass

Toni Lucas, Crowsnest Voice

Crowsnest Pass Municipal Fire Protection Services representatives visited students from kindergarten to grade 5 at Isabelle Sellon School in Blairmore and at Horace Allen School in Coleman on October 7 and 8.

Deputy Fire Chief Jamie Wilkinson was involved with the interactive learning sessions with the students.  The kids learned about 'Stop, Drop, and Roll', which is a life saving technique if your clothing is on fire.   They also learned 'Get down, Get out, Stay out' which is the order of action that you should take escaping a building that is on fire, or filled with smoke.

Wilkinson was impressed with the knowledge that the children demonstrated during the 'Tool or Toy' segment of the interaction.  Fire fighters would show a number of different items like a stuffed animal, an exacto knife, a lighter, a toy truck, or a syringe and ask whether it was a tool or a toy.  There was discussion about if it was a tool who was to use it, and how does it get used.  Some items were tools that even small children can use, such as a flashlight.  "They were all very keen," said Wilkinson, who said that every student including the earliest grades knew that syringes were not to be touched and had to be reported to an adult.

Names were drawn for two children from each school to become Fire Chief for the day.  On October 23 the two children selected from Horace Allen School will be picked up from the school in a fire truck and taken to the fire department for their day as Fire Chiefs, and on October 24 two students from Isabelle Sellon School will take their turn at being Fire Chiefs.

Wilkinson said that a Fire Department Open House at the Blairmore Fire Hall on October 9 was well attended and the barbecue at that event raised $333.00 for Muscular Dystrophy.  The Fire Department did three demonstrations:  Auto extraction, rope rescue, and flash pan fire.  Local Cub Scout members participated in the pan fire demonstration.

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