Much has been recently written or said about the ongoing transformation of Alberta’s Education system. This important work began in 2009 with the Inspiring Education consultations and conversations which gathered the wisdom of Alberta’s parents, stakeholders, community members, leaders and those who believe that our children should continue to have access to a vibrant, inclusive educational system that enables their success.
As Public School Trustees, we believe that Public Schools are the first choice of Alberta’s communities where all of our children learn and live the values of democracy together, reflecting our hope and shaping the future of our communities. We believe that the Public Education system must be responsive and reflective; it must recognize and address areas of concern and build upon strengths. It must also engage the support, wisdom and assistance of teachers, support staff, parents, community members and leaders.
The Inspiring Education vision as defined by Albertans is our collective commitment to our children. The curriculum re-design process is one important part of the journey that will result in the positive transformation of Public Education in Alberta. Curriculum re-design will more firmly embed fundamentals such as literacy and numeracy within curriculum and will enable our students the opportunity to apply their knowledge, so that they can continue to gather the skills essential to their success, within and beyond our Public Schools. This change is essential if our children are to have continued access to an inclusive Public School Education that enables each to find their place in our ever growing and changing global community.
In order to honor our commitment to our children and achieve the Inspiring Education vision, we must be constructive and collaborative in our efforts. We must model for our children the democratic values upon which our Public Schools are founded – integrity, leadership, collaboration, innovation and stewardship. Our children are watching closely and counting on each of us.
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